Create a Basic Program, Part 2 - State Management

Summary #

  • Program state is stored in other accounts, not in the program itself.
  • State is stored in Program Derived Address (PDA) accounts, which are generated from a program ID and optional seeds. The data within a PDA is defined by the programmer.
  • Creating an account requires calculating the necessary space and corresponding rent in lamports.
  • A Cross Program Invocation (CPI) to the create_account instruction handler on the System Program is needed to create a new account.
  • Updating the data field on an account involves serializing (converting to a byte array) the data into the account.

Lesson #

Solana maintains speed, efficiency, and extensibility by making programs stateless. Instead of storing state alongside the program's executable, programs use Solana's account model to read and write state to separate PDA accounts.

This model provides a simple, user-friendly key-value store for managing data and allows programs to be upgraded without affecting their data. However, if you're familiar with older blockchains, this might be challenging. In this lesson, we'll begin with the basics and gradually introduce more complex onchain programs. You'll learn the fundamentals of state management in a Solana program, including representing state as a Rust type, creating accounts using PDAs, and serializing account data.

Program State #

All Solana accounts have a data field that holds a byte array, making accounts as flexible as files on a computer. You can store anything in an account, as long as it has the necessary storage space.

Just like files in a traditional filesystem conform to specific formats like PDF or MP3, data stored in a Solana account must follow a pattern to be retrieved and deserialized into something usable.

Represent State as a Rust Type #

When writing a program in Rust, we typically create this "format" by defining a Rust data type. This is similar to how we created an enum to represent discrete instructions in the first part of deserialize instruction data lesson.

A simple struct is usually sufficient for most use cases. For example, a note-taking program that stores notes in separate accounts might have fields for a title, body, and an ID:

struct NoteState {
    title: String,
    body: String,
    id: u64

Using Borsh for Serialization and Deserialization #

Just as with instruction data, we need to convert our Rust data type to a byte array and vice versa. Serialization converts an object into a byte array, while deserialization reconstructs an object from a byte array.

We'll continue using Borsh for serialization and deserialization. In Rust, the borsh crate provides the BorshSerialize and BorshDeserialize traits. We apply these traits using the derive attribute macro:

use borsh::{BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize};
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
struct NoteState {
    title: String,
    body: String,
    id: u64

These traits provide methods on NoteState for serializing and deserializing data.

Creating Accounts #

Before we can update the data field of an account, we must first create the account.

To create a new account in our program, we need to:

  1. Calculate the space and rent required for the account.
  2. Determine an address for the new account.
  3. Invoke the system program to create the new account.

Space and rent #

Storing data on the Solana network requires users to allocate rent in the form of lamports. The required rent depends on the amount of space allocated to the account, so we must determine the space needed before creating the account.

Note that rent is more like a deposit; all lamports allocated for rent can be fully refunded when an account is closed. Additionally, all new accounts must be rent-exempt, meaning lamports are not deducted over time. An account is rent-exempt if it holds at least 2 years' worth of rent, ensuring accounts are stored onchain permanently until the owner closes the account and withdraws the rent.

In our note-taking app example, the NoteState struct has three fields: title, body, and id. To calculate the required account size, we add up the space needed for each field.

For dynamic data like strings, Borsh adds an additional 4 bytes to store the field's length. This means title and body each require 4 bytes plus their respective sizes. The id field is a 64-bit integer or 8 bytes.

We can add these lengths and calculate the required rent using the minimum_balance function from the rent module of the solana_program crate:

// Calculate account size required for struct NoteState
let account_len: usize = (4 + title.len()) + (4 + body.len()) + 8;
// Calculate rent required
let rent = Rent::get()?;
let rent_lamports = rent.minimum_balance(account_len);

Program Derived Addresses (PDA) #

Before creating an account, we also need an address to assign the account. For program-owned accounts, this will be a Program Derived Address (PDA) found using the find_program_address function.

PDAs are derived using the program ID (the address of the program creating the account) and optional seeds. The find_program_address function returns the same address every time with the same inputs, allowing us to deterministically create and find any number of PDA accounts.

The find_program_address function also provides a "bump seed" to ensure the PDA doesn't have a corresponding secret key, making it secure for program ownership. The function starts with a bump seed of 255, decreasing it until a valid PDA is found.

For our note-taking program, we'll use the note creator's public key and the ID as seeds to derive the PDA. This allows us to deterministically find the account for each note:

let (note_pda_account, bump_seed) = Pubkey::find_program_address(&[note_creator.key.as_ref(), id.as_bytes().as_ref(),], program_id);

Cross Program Invocation (CPI) #

Once we've calculated the rent and derived a valid PDA, we can create the account using a Cross Program Invocation (CPI). A CPI is when one program invokes an instruction on another program. To create a new account, we'll invoke the create_account instruction on the system program.

CPIs can be done using either invoke or invoke_signed.

pub fn invoke(
    instruction: &Instruction,
    account_infos: &[AccountInfo<'_>]
) -> ProgramResult
pub fn invoke_signed(
    instruction: &Instruction,
    account_infos: &[AccountInfo<'_>],
    signers_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]]
) -> ProgramResult

In this lesson, we'll explore invoke_signed, a function that allows a program to authorize actions for a Program Derived Address (PDA) without using a traditional secret key. Here's how it operates:

  1. invoke_signed derives a PDA using seeds, a bump seed, and the program ID.
  2. It compares this derived PDA against all accounts in the instruction.
  3. If an account matches the derived PDA, that account's signer field becomes true.

This method ensures security because invoke_signed generates the PDA using the invoking program's ID, preventing other programs from producing matching PDAs to authorize accounts derived with a different program ID. It's crucial to understand that while we describe the PDA as "authorizing," it doesn't use a secret key like traditional signatures. Instead, this mechanism enables programs to approve actions onchain for PDA accounts they control.

    // instruction
    // account_infos
    &[note_creator.clone(), note_pda_account.clone(), system_program.clone()],
    // signers_seeds
    &[&[note_creator.key.as_ref(), note_id.as_bytes().as_ref(), &[bump_seed]]],

Serializing and Deserializing Account Data #

After creating an account, we need to update its data field by deserializing its byte array into the Rust type, updating the fields, and then serializing it back.

Deserialize Account Data #

To update an account's data, first, deserialize its data byte array into its Rust type. Borrow the data field on the account to access it without taking ownership. Then, use the try_from_slice_unchecked() function to deserialize the data into the appropriate Rust type:

let mut account_data = try_from_slice_unchecked::<NoteState>(;
account_data.title = title;
account_data.body = rating; = id;

Serialize Account Data #

Once the Rust instance representing the account's data has been updated with the appropriate values, you can "save" the data on the account.

This is done with the serialize function on the instance of the Rust type you created. You'll need to pass in a mutable reference to the account data. The syntax here is tricky, so don't worry if you don't understand it completely. Borrowing and references are two of the toughest concepts in Rust.

account_data.serialize(&mut &mut[..])?;

The above example converts the account_data object to a byte array and sets it to the data property on note_pda_account. This saves the updated account_data variable to the data field of the new account. Now when a user fetches the note_pda_account and deserializes the data, it will display the updated data we've serialized into the account.

Iterators #

You may have noticed in the previous examples that we referenced note_creator and didn't show where that came from.

To get access to this and other accounts, we use an Iterator. An iterator is a Rust trait used to give sequential access to each element in a collection of values. Iterators are used in Solana programs to safely iterate over the list of accounts passed into the program entry point through the accounts argument.

Rust Iterator #

The iterator pattern allows you to perform tasks on a sequence of items. The iter() method creates an iterator object that references a collection. In Rust, iterators are lazy and have no effect until methods that consume the iterator are called. Use the next() function to get the next element in the sequence, advancing the iterator each time.

let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
// Create the iterator over the vec
let v1_iter = v1.iter();
// Use the iterator to get the first item
let first_item =;
// Use the iterator to get the second item
let second_item =;

Solana Accounts Iterator #

In Solana programs, the instruction handler receives an accounts argument containing AccountInfo items for all required accounts. To use these accounts within your instruction handler, create an iterator with a mutable reference to accounts. This approach allows you to process the account information sequentially and access the data you need for your instruction handler logic.

Instead of using the iterator directly, you can pass the iterator to the next_account_info function from the account_info module provided by the solana_program crate.

For example, consider an instruction to create a new note in a note-taking program. This instruction would minimally require the following accounts:

  • The account of the user creating the note.
  • A PDA to store the note.
  • The system_program account to initialize a new account.

All three accounts would be passed into the program entry point via the accounts argument. An iterator of accounts is then used to separate the AccountInfo associated with each account to process the instruction.

Note: The &mut keyword indicates a mutable reference to the accounts argument. For more details, refer to references in Rust and the mut keyword.

// Get Account iterator
let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
// Get accounts
let note_creator = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let note_pda_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let system_program = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;

Lab #

This section introduces several new concepts. Let's practice them together by continuing with the Movie Review program from the previous lesson. Even if you're starting with this lesson, you should be able to follow along. We'll be using the Solana Playground to write, build, and deploy our code.

As a refresher, we are building a Solana program that lets users review movies. In the previous lesson deserialize instruction data, we deserialized the instruction data passed in by the user but did not store this data in an account. Let's now update our program to create new accounts to store the user's movie review.

1. Get the starter code #

If you didn't complete the lab from the last lesson or just want to make sure that you didn't miss anything, you can reference the starter code.

Our program currently includes an file used to deserialize the instruction_data passed into the program entry point. We've also completed the file to the point where we can print our deserialized instruction data to the program log using the msg! macro.

2. Create struct to represent account data #

Let's begin by creating a new file named

This file will:

  1. Define the struct used to populate the data field of a new account.
  2. Add BorshSerialize and BorshDeserialize traits to this struct

First, import the necessary items from the borsh crate:

use borsh::{BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize};

Next, create the MovieAccountState struct, which defines the parameters that each new movie review account will store in its data field. The struct includes the following fields:

  • is_initialized - indicates whether the account has been initialized.
  • rating - the user's rating of the movie.
  • description - the user's description of the movie.
  • title - the title of the movie being reviewed.
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Default)]
pub struct MovieAccountState {
    pub is_initialized: bool,
    pub rating: u8,
    pub title: String,
    pub description: String,

3. Update #

Next, update the file. Start by importing everything needed to complete the Movie Review program. For more details on each item, refer to the solana_program crate.

use solana_program::{
    account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo},
use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
pub mod instruction;
pub mod state;
use instruction::MovieInstruction;
use state::MovieAccountState;

4. Iterate through accounts #

Continue building out the add_movie_review function. Recall that an array of accounts is passed into the add_movie_review function through a single accounts argument. To process the instruction, iterate through accounts and assign the AccountInfo for each account to a variable.

// Get Account iterator
let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
// Get accounts
let initializer = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pda_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let system_program = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;

5. Derive PDA #

Within the add_movie_review function, derive the PDA you expect the user to have passed in. Even though pda_account should reference the same account, you still need to call find_program_address() as the bump seed is required for the derivation.

The PDA for each new account is derived using the initializer's public key and the movie title as seeds. This setup restricts each user to only one review per movie title but allows different users to review the same movie and the same user to review different movies.

// Derive PDA
let (pda, bump_seed) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
    &[initializer.key.as_ref(), title.as_bytes().as_ref()],

6. Calculate space and rent #

Calculate the rent required for the new account. Rent is the amount of lamports a user must allocate to an account for storing data on the Solana network. To calculate rent, first determine the space required by the new account.

The MovieAccountState struct has four fields. We will allocate 1 byte each for rating and is_initialized. For both title and description we will allocate space equal to 4 bytes plus the length of the string.

// Calculate account size required
let account_len: usize = 1 + 1 + (4 + title.len()) + (4 + description.len());
// Calculate rent required
let rent = Rent::get()?;
let rent_lamports = rent.minimum_balance(account_len);

7. Create new account #

Once rent is calculated and the PDA is verified, create the new account. To do this, call the create_account instruction from the system program using a Cross Program Invocation (CPI) with the invoke_signed function. Use invoke_signed because the account is being created with a PDA and the Movie The review program needs to “sign” the instructions.

// Create the account
msg!("PDA created: {}", pda);

8. Update account data #

Now that we've created a new account, we are ready to update the data field of the new account using the format of the MovieAccountState struct from our file. We first deserialize the account data from pda_account using try_from_slice_unchecked, then set the values of each field.

msg!("Unpacking state account");
let mut account_data =
msg!("Borrowed account data");
account_data.title = title;
account_data.rating = rating;
account_data.description = description;
account_data.is_initialized = true;

Finally, serialize the updated account_data into the data field of pda_account.

msg!("Serializing account");
account_data.serialize(&mut &mut[..])?;
msg!("State account serialized");

9. Build and deploy #

You're now ready to build and deploy your program!

Gif Build and Deploy ProgramGif Build and Deploy Program

You can test your program by submitting a transaction with the right instruction data. For that, feel free to use this script or the frontend we built in the Deserialize Custom Instruction Data lesson. In both cases, make sure you copy and paste the program ID for your program into the appropriate area of the source code to make sure you're testing the right program.

If you use the frontend, simply replace the MOVIE_REVIEW_PROGRAM_ID in both the MovieList.tsx and Form.tsx components with the address of the program you've deployed. Then run the frontend, submit a view, and refresh the browser to see the review.

If you need more time with this project to feel comfortable with these concepts, have a look at the solution code before continuing.

Challenge #

Now it's your turn to build something independently. Equipped with the concepts introduced in this lesson, you now know everything you'll need to recreate the entirety of the Student Intro program from Module 1.

The Student Intro program is a Solana Program that lets students introduce themselves. The program takes a user's name and a short message as the instruction_data and creates an account to store the data onchain.

Using what you've learned in this lesson, build out this program. In addition to taking a name a short message as instruction data, the program should:

  1. Create a separate account for each student
  2. Store is_initialized as a boolean, name as a string, and msg as a string in each account

You can test your program by building the frontend we created in the Page, Order, and Filter Program Data lesson. Remember to replace the program ID in the frontend code with the one you've deployed.

Try to do this independently if you can! But if you get stuck, feel free to reference the solution code.

Completed the lab?

Push your code to GitHub and tell us what you thought of this lesson!